5 stars (13,689)

Find & Protect ALL Your Memories In ONE Click!

Effortlessly find, sort, and save up to 120,000 photos and videos across all your devices with just ONE click.

  • Save hours of time searching & sorting through files
  • Works on smartphones, computers, and tablets
  • Easy to use no technical knowledge required
Featured in
1,500,000+ Happy Customers
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Works With iPhone, Android, Mac & PC
30 Day
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The best part about ThePhotoStick® OMNI is that you only need one of them for all your devices! ThePhotoStick® OMNI works on:

  • Smartphones - iPhone & Android
  • Computers - Mac & PC (Windows)
  • Tablets - iPad & Android

This means you can now safely store, access, and share ALL of your precious photo and video memories in a matter of minutes… no matter where they are… with ONE device. It’s going to prevent so many irreplaceable photos & videos from being lost!

The PhotoStick® was created by Mark Oman, a former VP & GM of Hewlett Packard. Mark realized that since computers crash more frequently than we like, people run the risk of losing all their photos & videos.

When it happened to him, he looked for a way to quickly and easily backup all his photos & videos so that he would never have to worry about it happening to him again. Unfortunately, there was no such device. And thus, ThePhotoStick® was born.
